Advocates for Reforming Medicaid Services

Please check back for updates!


Please check back for updates! 〰️

ARMS was organized in 2005 by a coalition of forty community agencies and providers concerned about the potential changes in the provision of the KY Medicaid program in order to ensure that beneficiaries have reasonable, high-quality and cost-effective choices in long-term care services in Kentucky. The Coalition in 2005 included representatives from agencies providing KY waiver services, mental health, brain injury, physical disabilities, aging and home health amongst others.

In 2023, a group of concerned advocates and community stakeholders met to discuss what has changed since 2005 in the provision of Medicaid funded services and progress regarding long term care including community based services and programming, It became apparent that many issues still need to be resolved in the areas of full array of services, enhanced support for families, least restrictive care, adequate funding, waiting lists for funding, multiple quality strategies and multiprogram management.

As a result, ARMSII was formed with some members of the original forty and several other individuals with a disability, their family members and agencies who serve them are currently meeting to discuss what can be done through a unified advocacy effort regarding Medicaid services and the lack of funding and support services since 2005.

The current membership of ARMSII includes:

Council on Developmental Disabilities, Center for Accessible Living, Commonwealth Council on Developmental Disabilities, Brain Injury Association, Protection & Advocacy, Seven Counties Services, ARC of Central KY, Advocacy Action Network, KARP, KAPP, AARP, Lee Specialty Clinic, Kaleidoscope, Zoom Group, and many dedicated and concerned parent advocates.


  • Legislative Research Committee

    The button below will provide you with information regarding the LRC schedule.

  • CCDD Advocacy Training

    The button below provides a power point to the Commonwealth Council on Developmental Disabilities advocacy training.

  • Advocacy 101 Webinar

    Please use the button below for Advocacy 101 Webinar presented by Dr. Sheila Schuster (KY Psychological Association & Advocacy Action Network) and Emily Beauregard (KY Voices for Health) on January 23, 2023.

  • Talking with Legislators

    Please use the button below to guide you in speaking to your legislator in discussing Medicaid reform.

  • Identifying your Legislator

    Please use the button below to learn more about identifying your legislator and how to make contact with them.

  • Waiver Numbers

    The button below is a Power Point Training on waiver numbers.

  • ARMS II Meeting

    ARMS Meeting: 9/13/2023

The button below will take you to a Google spread sheet. Here we are tracking all communication with legislators. If you have contacted a legislator, please add your notes.

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