National Family Caregiver Month Winners!
We would like to thank Jessica and Dana for submitting these winning nominations for these deserving caregivers! The Council is thrilled to be able to recognize the hearts of these individuals and their families. Please enjoy and congratulate our November winners in the comments!
Jessica says,
I would love to nominate a caregiver for the upcoming prize. Robelyn Cooper is an outstanding local caregiver whom I have assisted the past 2 years through providing respite services for her son. She has 3 kids who are all on the spectrum. Dad is currently deployed, so she is the sole caregiver for 99% of the year. Not only does she independently handle this massive task, but also overcomes cultural/language barriers as she is from the Philippines. No local family for support.
This woman deserves a reward! She not only is she a caregiver, but goes above and beyond to provide as many experiences as possible for her kids. She independently takes all 3 to events, makes special celebrations for them at home, and does anything she can to help them and increase independence. She is the real, life super woman!
Dana says,
I have a wonderful family in mind. Fred and Betty Hammons have been married for 64 years. Fred has overcome cancer and other health issues and their daughter has been battling cancer for as long as I have known them.
Anyway, they have always cared for their son, Bryan, in their home. Bryan is a 62-year-old man who has been diagnosed with an intellectual disability and Cerebral Palsy. Bryan is unable to perform any ADL's or IADL's and requires 24/7 total hands on care and assistance. Bryan is non-verbal. However, Bryan can communicate by making noises which, only his parents can understand the meaning. Unless of course he blows you a kiss, then you know you made the cut. He is unable to walk or move his legs and only has motion of his arms from the elbow down. He is confined to a wheelchair and his bed. All ADLS require two-person assistance. Movement of Bryan requires two people, his parents must use a mechanical lift for transferring. Bryan will lay more than he will sit. He will sit up 4-5 hours per day. Bryan has always been incontinent of bladder and bowel. Betty always made his diapers and is so proud that Bryan has never had any diaper rash or bed sores. When you walk into the Hammons home, you become family. They have the BEST stories. Their love of each other, of Bryan, and of their family is beautiful as is their spirit.